Site was down a few days..

Due to a configuration error the site was inaccessible or severely diminished the last few days. I was chatting with the host for hours last night trying to get things fixed. Today I gave up and deleted the entire site and configurations thinking I had backed up everything.

Well I cleared out everything and did a fresh install. We are back and working 90%. There are two recent posts that got purged, I will recreate them.

If you find something that does not work please contact me using the web form.

Thank god for backups!

Svelte Transition Example: Fade out an element, alter its value then fade it back in

Link to the Svelte development page.

Svelte Transition Example: Achieve Smooth Visual Transitions by Fading Out an HTML Element, Applying Changes, and Fading It Back In

  • Create an object called opacity
    const opacity = tweened(1, {
        duration: duration,
        delay: 0,

  • Inserts the value of opacity ($opacity) into the HTML
<div style="opacity:{$opacity}">{phraseText}</div>

  • Full Code
    import { tweened } from "svelte/motion";

    let duration = 1000;
    let phraseText = "Phrase Generator";
    let phrases = [
        "1.. 2.. 3.. blast off!",
        "Huston, we have a problem!",
        "It's going to blow!",
        "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a programmer!",
        "I think you should sit down for this...",
        "I can't do that Dave!",
        "Please don't press the any key!",

    const opacity = tweened(1, {
        duration: duration,
        delay: 0,

    const getPhrase = () => {
        return phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)];

    const changePhrase = () => {

        setTimeout(() => {
            phraseText = getPhrase();
        }, duration);

<div style="opacity:{$opacity}">{phraseText}</div>

    on:click={() => {
    }}>Change Phrase</button

Allegory of the Farmer and His Chickens: A Thought-Provoking Tale

Explore the allegory of the farmer and his chickens, a captivating story that offers profound insights into human nature and societal dynamics. Dive into this thought-provoking tale.

Story in Audio Form

In the heartland of a picturesque countryside, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush meadows, lay a thriving farm. It was a place of abundant life, where the diligent farmer, with unwavering dedication, nurtured a flourishing community of chickens. These feathered inhabitants provided sustenance to the farm and brought joy to the townsfolk, for they relished the delectable eggs that were distributed far and wide. The farm hummed with contentment, as the sun-dappled pastures and gentle breezes whispered tales of prosperity.

One fateful day, curiosity led the farmer on an unplanned excursion into the nearby woods. Beneath the towering canopy of ancient trees, a scene of hunger and desperation met their eyes. A pack of timber wolves, their emaciated forms silhouetted against the fading sunlight, stood as a poignant reminder of nature’s harsh realities. Compassion welled up within the farmer’s heart, and without hesitation, they resolved to offer aid to these dire creatures. One timber wolf, weaker than the rest, was carefully chosen and carried back to the farm, where a feast awaited its famished frame.

As time flowed steadily like a meandering stream, an inexplicable mystery began to unfold. The farmer, their eyes ever watchful, discovered the puzzling disappearance of some cherished members of their beloved chicken community. Each vanishing bird left behind a void, as perplexity took root in the farmer’s mind. Undeterred by this enigma, the benevolent farmer pressed on, determined to lend a helping hand to the timber wolves in need. One after another, these wild souls found solace and nourishment within the confines of the farm.

With the passage of days turning into months, a subtle transformation swept through the farm’s once-thriving ecosystem. The delicate balance that sustained the farm’s prosperity began to teeter precariously, threatening its very existence. The farmer observed with a heavy heart the dwindling fortunes of their farm, as the meager proceeds barely managed to keep the wolves’ bellies full. A pervasive unease settled upon the land, its shadow cast over the faces of both humans and animals alike.

And then, like a tempest that gains strength with every gust, the plight of the farm escalated. The once-golden stream of abundance withered to a trickle, as the treasured chickens vanished without a trace. The once-jubilant farmyard echoed with emptiness, mirroring the desolation that gripped the hearts of the townsfolk. The farmer, their spirit shattered, stood amidst the wreckage of their dreams, struggling to comprehend the tragic unraveling of their life’s work. Desperation consumed their soul, as the grim specter of bankruptcy loomed large.

As the painful process of relinquishing the farm unfolded, a bitter revelation pierced through the farmer’s anguish. It was at this moment, amid the rubble of their shattered dreams, that the departing timber wolves revealed the truth. With mournful eyes and a voice tinged with regret, one of them addressed the heartbroken farmer, delivering the final blow to their shattered spirit. “You have no more chickens to eat,” they lamented, a testament to the devastating consequences of their own actions.

The timber wolves, driven by their own survival instincts, had unwittingly laid waste to the very sanctuary that had sheltered them in their time of need. The cycle of compassion had been severed, as the farmer realized that the help they had extended to these wild creatures would not be reciprocated. In the aftermath of this tragedy, as the last vestiges of hope crumbled like ancient ruins, the farmer was left with a painful lesson etched into their soul.

The farm that had once radiated life and abundance now stood as a stark reminder of the ephemeral nature of goodwill. The town, once nourished by the bounties of the land, now faced the dire consequences of a hunger that could not be appeased. The farmer, their dreams left in tatters, trudged forward, haunted by the memories of lost chickens and betrayed trust. The tale of their altruism gone awry would forever be etched into the annals of the countryside, a cautionary tale of the perils of unchecked kindness in a world that rarely repays it.

Dark City

Midjourney v4

Dark City in the style of Inception, cinematic lighting –q 3 –s 750

Octopus Crushes Boat!

Midjouney v4

giant octopus thrashing around in the ocean, small boat cut in half by the octopuses tenticals, fire, sparks, cinematic lighting, high detail –ar 3:2

Aliens Attack!

Midjourney v4

aliens from outer space attacking the “white house” from the ground, 3 ufo’s in the sky, fire, explosions –ar 16:9 –q 2 –c 50 –s 500